
Hello and welcome! My name is Jana, and I’m kind of obsessed with astrology. But before I became obsessed with astrology, I was obsessed with languages. I dedicated years of my life to teaching myself multiple languages, so the title “Astroglot” is partly a word play based on being a polyglot turned astrologer. But it’s also often said that astrology is like a language, and although “astroglot” is a word I made up, based on etymology it could literally mean “one who speaks the language of the stars.” And I think that’s pretty cool.

For most of my life I didn’t know anything about astrology. I mean, I knew I was a Taurus, but I never related to anything I heard about that sign, and I thought horoscope columns were silly. I dismissed astrology as a shallow superstition without much thought.

Then one day, when I was 35 years old, I just happened to come across a discussion about astrology in a random Facebook group. People were talking about moon signs and rising signs. I had no idea what that meant, but it piqued my curiosity so I searched YouTube for videos about astrology. I found one explaining what a birth chart is, which led me to read a book, which blew my whole world wide open. (The book was “The Inner Sky” by Steven Forrest. Still one of my favorites!)

Me making a wish to be an astrologer 😉

After that it was a long journey learning to interpret my chart, then studying enough other people’s charts that I was finally convinced astrology really did work. And it was deeper and more complex than I ever could have imagined. I became completely obsessed, devouring books, taking classes as I could afford them, and spending a lot of time in astrology groups on Facebook where I commented on people’s charts for practice. Astrology stimulated my mind and lit up my soul like nothing else ever had, not even languages. 

But it took me a while to fully come to terms with just how much I love astrology– so much that I want to dedicate the rest of my life to it. That was a bit scary to admit, because astrology isn’t exactly a well respected profession in western society nowadays, so to be honest I was afraid of how people would react. But eventually, I realized I love it so much that I have to do it, regardless of what anyone thinks.

And so, three years after finding astrology, I started this website. I’m not sure exactly where it will lead, but for now I’m using it mostly as a place to consolidate my thoughts and research on astrology into articles. I am also starting to accept clients for consultations, currently by donation only as I build experience, so if you’re interested in that please check out my Services page. You can also follow me on Facebook for shorter, more casual posts, and/or enter your email address in the upper right form to get an email whenever I post a new article. (No spam or sales pitches, just article updates.)

For those who’d like to know my qualifications, I’ve studied Hellenistic astrology with Chris Brennan and modern astrology with Rick Levine. I’ve also read many books by various other astrologers, and although I haven’t kept track, I’ve probably practiced on a few hundred charts. I would describe my current style of astrology as a hybrid of traditional Hellenistic and modern psychological, but I’m always still learning and growing. I’m much too curious of a person to be satisfied specializing in just one tradition, and in fact one of the things I love the most about astrology is how diverse it is, so I eventually hope to explore a wide variety of traditions and techniques.

And for those who know some astrology and want to see my chart, I was born on May 12, 1985 at 7:12 a.m. in Centralia, WA, United States. Feel free to look, I don’t mind!

Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you’ll find something of value here!